You are viewing the results for Evry Romjulscup 2016. View the current results for Evry Romjulscup 2017 here.

Smågutter født 2004/2003

Group D

    Team # W D L +/-   P  
The teams are ordered by:
  1. Points
  2. Goal difference
  3. Scored goals
  4. Points (head-to-head)
  5. Goal difference (head-to-head)
  6. Scored goals (head-to-head)
1. Ottestad G03-Svart 4 2 1 1 8 - 3 (5) 7
2. Vind G03-1 4 2 1 1 7 - 7 (0) 7
3. Lena G04 4 2 0 2 4 - 5 (-1) 6
4. Reinsvoll G04/03 4 1 2 1 5 - 4 (1) 5
5. Kolbu/KK G04 4 1 0 3 7 - 12 (-5) 3
W = Won, D = Draw, L = Lost,
# = Games Played, +/- = Goals, P = Points

  Nbr Time Arena Home team Result  Away team    
29120802 Thu 29/12 09:00 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 1 7´er Ottestad G03-Svart 1 - 1 Reinsvoll G04/03    
29121004 Thu 29/12 09:50 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 3 7´er Vind G03-1 1 - 0 Lena G04    
29121008 Thu 29/12 11:30 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 3 7´er Lena G04 1 - 0 Ottestad G03-Svart    
29121009 Thu 29/12 11:55 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 3 7´er Reinsvoll G04/03 1 - 3 Kolbu/KK G04    
29121011 Thu 29/12 12:45 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 3 7´er Reinsvoll G04/03 3 - 0 Lena G04    
29121012 Thu 29/12 13:10 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 3 7´er Kolbu/KK G04 3 - 5 Vind G03-1    
29120814 Thu 29/12 14:00 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 1 7´er Kolbu/KK G04 0 - 3 Ottestad G03-Svart    
29121014 Thu 29/12 14:00 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 3 7´er Vind G03-1 0 - 0 Reinsvoll G04/03    
29120918 Thu 29/12 15:40 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 2 7´er Ottestad G03-Svart 4 - 1 Vind G03-1    
29121020 Thu 29/12 16:30 Thu 29/12 Raufoss Storhall 3 7´er Lena G04 3 - 1 Kolbu/KK G04